Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Elections: Where Do We Go From Here?

The elections of 2010 are over. For many there is the concern and fear of what is to happen now that our candidates did not win or were not re-elected. Should we just wait and "get 'em next time" or run for cover, not knowing what is coming next.

As I see it, we are still God's people. Our God has not forsaken us nor deserted us. Though we may have witnessed setbacks and defeat there is still much to be done until the next elections come about.

We must take a stand and be viligant in our efforts to monitor the activity of those who have been elected to SERVE US. We must let any and all those who serve in these offices know that they are accountable to the people. They are to keep their promises and fulfill their obligations and responsibilities to us. We have no time to lick our wounds and sing the blues. We must become "watchers" on the wall as God's people. The Word says that as Christians we are to be responsive to government. Let us not be weary in well doing but let us send a message, a holy message, so that all may hear, that we are involved, interested, and intending to make a difference in the politics of our day.

Remember, "God has called us into the city for such a time as this."